Thursday, November 21, 2013

Exit Lights Not Functioning at Changi International Airport Terminal 3

I was at Changi International Airport Terminal 3 for my flight to Zurich on 17th Nov 2013. 

Since I was early for my flight, I looked around the exit lights to see whether the exit lights are in proper functioning state or not. To my horror, the first exit light that I have seen have a red light stating that the battery is not functioning. This means that if there is a power failure, the exit light will not light out since the back-up battery is not functioning. For a working exit light, the red light should not light up. Instead, a green light should light out. 

I hope that this is an odd one out of the many exit lights around in Gate A1 to A8. I look at another exit light near to the staircase and found that similarly, there is a red light lighted up. I look at another exit light in the vicinity that is in the cosmetic shop and found that this exit light too has a red light. When I go and look at the exit light at the entrance of the A1 gate, similarly, the exit light has a red light indicating that the back-up battery is not working. 

Look like the maintenance staff is not checking on the condition of the exit light. So far 100% of the exit lights that I have seen are all with back-up battery that is not functioning. 

I informed the staff that is in front of the gate about this issue. She told me that she will bring this up to the management. 

I was very surprised that such an important airport has such a lapse in the maintenance. The responsible fire safety officers are not treating fire safety as their priority. 

This is not an isolated incident in Singapore. In fact, I saw that most of the multi-story car parks have similar problem. Even the new Garden of the Bay has exit lights that are not functioning. Look like our fire safety officers need to put in more efforts to conduct auditing and spot checks.

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